Setting up Twitter Conversion Tracking


Objective: Enable conversion tracking for Twitter Ads within the platform.


Desired Result: Gain insights into the conversions generated by your Twitter Ads campaigns and their respective values.



  • Google Tag Manager must already be operational on your website.
  • You must have a Twitter Ads account.


Significance: Understanding the number of conversions and their monetary value per ad empowers you to optimize your campaigns effectively.


Location: Configuration takes place in Google Tag Manager and Twitter Ads Manager.


Frequency: Implement whenever new conversions or websites need tracking within Twitter Ads Manager.


Personnel: Analytics or paid advertising personnel are typically responsible.


Environmental Setup:



Twitter Pixel Helper


Generating Your Twitter Universal Tag:



Conversion Tracking


  • Click “Generate website tag for conversion tracking” after you have accepted the terms and conditions.”


Generate website tag for conversion tracking


  • Save the generated code for later use.


generated code


Installing Your Universal Website Tag via Google Tag Manager:


  • Access Google Tag Manager.
  • Choose the relevant account.


relevant account


  • Click on Tags > New.


Tags New


  • Name your tag appropriately.


tag appropriately


  • Go to the Tag Configuration section and select “Custom HTML.”


Custom HTML


  • Paste the previously saved code into the HTML section.


Paste the previously saved code


  • Choose the appropriate triggering option: either “All Pages” or define specific conditions.



Blog Pages


  • Click ‘Submit.’


click Submit


Determining Conversion Events:


  • Identify the events to track based on your objectives.
  • Common events include Site Visit, Purchase, Download, Sign Up, or Custom actions.
  • Most businesses track Site Visits, Sign Ups, and/or Checkouts.


Generating Conversion Events:


  • Log in to your Twitter Ads account.
  • Go to Tools → Conversion Tracking.


Conversion Tracking


  • Click “Create New Conversion Event.”


Create New Conversion Event


  • Set up the conversion event with a descriptive name.


  • Choose the type of conversion from the list provided.


Set up the conversion


  • Select the Universal Website Tag.
  • Specify the traffic conditions indicating successful event occurrences.
  • Set the Attribution Window for accurate reporting.


Verification of Setup:



Twitter Pixel Helper


  • Verify the setup in Twitter Ads Manager under Tools → Conversion Tracking.
  • Ensure the “Website Tag” status for your events shows as “Tracking.”


events shows


  • If the status remains “Unverified,” recheck the triggering action and wait for updates.
  • If issues persist, seek assistance from a web developer.